FAQ/ Commonly Asked

What can I do to prepare for my wax? Make sure you have waited long enough after shaving or using a chemical depilatory (ie Nair). Everyone’s hair grows at a different rate but 1.5-2 weeks is the minimum no matter “how fast your hair grows” and the longer you can wait the better. Hair needs to be almost the length of a grain of rice (about a 1/4″) to be removed however too long of hair can be more uncomfortable during the removal process. Please trim if needed, hair can be removed quicker and with less trauma to the skin. If you are concerned about trimming too short, do it a couple days before your appointment. Exfoliating the night before or morning of for bikini, under arm and leg waxes is a great way to prepare and can minimize tweezing during your appointment.

How far apart should my waxes be scheduled? 4-6 weeks is a good average for bikini waxes and 2+ weeks for under arms and facial waxing.

I have a special occasion coming up and I’ve never been waxed before. How can I be sure I won’t have a reaction? I use a gentle product designed for sensitive skin types, however although not common allergic reactions can happen. Typically this is nothing that Cortizone cream won’t quickly take care of however It is best when you can to have a wax done prior to your special occasion wax.

I’m going on vacation. How soon should I wax? Typically the skin should be calm from redness within 24 hrs. I suggest coming in as close to the time you are leaving as possible.

I’m pregnant or planning to be. What should I know about waxing and pregnancy? Waxing is an investment. The longer you do it, the better your results get. Pregnancy can also heighten sensitivity so I suggest starting as soon as possible so that by the time you are further along, you’ll be a pro and your waxes will be easy.

Can I get a Bikini/ Brazilian wax while on my period? Absolutely and it’s very common. Use a tampon or Diva Cup. I do this all day so I don’t require a warning.

What is the difference between a French Bikini and a Brazilian?  The French Bikini stops short of the back side.

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